Nicole Zawilinski
Legal Advisor to the President
Contact Information
+1 (929) 266-8324
Nicole Zawiliński urodziła się w Stanach Zjednoczonych, rodzina jej pochodzi z Jasła. Od dzieciństwa wiedziała, że chce zostać adwokatem. W 2019 roku skończyła studia na Uniwersytecie DePaul w Chicago w dziedzinie politologii. Obecnie uczęszcza na Uniwersytet Loyola, gdzie jest na pierwszym roku studiów prawniczych. Poprzednio zaocznie studiowała także w Dublinie gdzie miała praktyki w Oireachtas — Parlamencie Irlandzkim.
W wolnym czasie lubi gotować, czytać i podróżować. Najbardziej lubię kuchnie włoską i polską. Zwiedziła już 15 państw i nieustannie planuje wycieczki do następnych!
Nicole Zawiliński was born in the United States and prior to moving to Chicago, Illinois for college and career purposes she had lived most of her life in Door County, Wisconsin. Although she was born and raised in the United States, a majority of her family still resides in Jasło, Poland. She travels to Poland every summer to remain in touch with her Polish heritage. Since she was young she knew that law would be her passion. In 2019, she graduated from DePaul University with a degree in political science. A short year later, she started her journey to becoming a lawyer at Loyola School of Law in Chicago. I will be completing her Juris Doctorate in 2023.
During her time at DePaul, additionally studied abroad in Dublin, Ireland. There, she interned at the Oireachtas, The Parliament of the Republic of Ireland, as the youngest intern ever admitted into the program. In her free time, she loves to cook, leisure read and travel. Polish and Italian cuisine are her favorites. So far, she has visited 15 countries and plans to add to the list in the near future.